Recipe: This Detox Cold Infusion is a Sure Shot Remedy for Many Problems

shree kulkarni

Recipe: This Detox Cold Infusion is a Sure Shot Remedy for Many Problems

Recipe: This Detox Cold Infusion is a Sure Shot Remedy for Many Problems

It is impossible to beat a 100% natural remedy for multiple issues. Could there be one magical ingredient to cure acidity, burning sensation, fever, and excessive thirst? You can treat all of the above and more with one sure shot remedy. You only need coriander seeds. The infusion of these seeds can relieve many health issues you may have in your body.

According to Dr. Dixa Bhavsar, an Ayurvedic doctor and co-founder of The Kadamba Tree, Dhanyaka Hima/cold infusion of coriander seeds can relieve burning sensations in any part of your body when consumed in the morning.

Among them are hot flushes, burning urination, and burning hands and feet. In addition to reducing thirst, indigestion, abdominal pain, and worm infestation, and making you feel satiated, coriander seeds infusion cleanse and detoxify your whole body.

The properties are:

  1. The Rasa (taste) is kashaya (astringent) and tikta (bitter)
  2. There are two qualities of guna (qualities): laghu (light) and snigdha (unctuousness).
  3. Potency is ushna (hot).
  4. Post-digestive taste is madhura (sweet).
  5. The effects of Tridoshahara on the Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) are cumulative.

The recipe is:

  1. One part crushed coriander seeds is enough (eg. 25 gms).
  2. Six parts of water are enough (eg. 150 ml).
  3. Leave it covered overnight or for 8 hours.
  4. The next morning, strain it and mix it with a little rock sugar. Eat it on an empty stomach.

Here’s how to make the cold infusion of coriander seeds:


  1. Take 40-50 ml with half a spoon of sugar in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Also suitable for daily consumption twice or thrice in quantities of 10 to 30 ml with rock sugar.
  3. The batch can be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within two days.
  4. It can be consumed over a period of six to eight weeks.

Last but not least, Dr Bhavsar advised consulting an ayurvedic doctor first to determine the cause of your ailments.

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