tinea fungal infection on face - 2021

shree kulkarni

tinea fungal infection on face

Tinea fungal infection on the face. It is an infection of the skin caused by a fungus. Ringworm is also known as tinea. As a result, red patches can appear on the skin in the form of rings. However, it is not caused by worms. Instead, it is caused by fungi. 

Infection with tinea can occur anywhere in the body. It is not common to call tinea infections of the feet, nails, or genital area ringworm. This is because the red patches do not resemble rings. In most areas of the body and around the hair, it is most common. It can be spread from person to person.

Fungal (tinea) infections are named according to their location on the body. 

The most typical types are:

  • The athlete's foot (tinea pedis). This type of infection is common on the feet and between the toes. The condition can be caused by sweating, not drying the feet after bathing or swimming, and wearing tight socks and shoes.

  • Tinea cruris (Jock Itch). This rash appears in the groin area. It can be difficult to treat. Women are less likely to develop this condition. It is more common during warm weather.

  • Tinea capitis (scalp ringworm). This condition affects the scalp. Adults are usually not affected by this condition.

  • Infection of the nail (tinea unguium or onychomycosis). Toenail infections can also affect fingernails. The condition causes thickened, deformed, and discolored nails instead of a rash.

  • Tinea corporis (body ringworm). This can occur anywhere on the body. It is most common in skin folds. The condition is also more common in warmer climates.

How does tinea infection occur?

In the U.S. and around the world, tinea is a very common condition. It is highly contagious. Symptoms include:

  • An infected person
  • with infected objects such as towels, clothing, and combs
  • Infected animals
  • or soil

Depending on how long you've been in contact with the fungus, it may take days or even weeks before you develop an infection. The fungi that cause ringworm can survive on objects for a long time. As a result, you may not know where it originated.

Who is at risk of a tinea infection?

Tinea is more likely to occur if you:

  • Living in a warm climate
  • interacting with people or pets who have tinea
  • playing contact sports, such as wrestling
  • Using communal baths or locker rooms
  • Sharing towels, clothing, combs, or brushes
  • are unhygienic
  • If you have a weakened immune system because of disease or medication
  • don't eat well

How does tinea infection look like?

Each person will experience symptoms differently. 

Athletes' foot (tinea pedis) may cause these symptoms:

  • An itchy, burning rash on the feet
  • Caused by white skin between the toes
  • And scaling of the feet
  • Blistering of the feet

Jockey itch (tinea cruris) may cause:

  • There are red, ring-like patches in the groin area and inner thighs, but not on the scrotum
  • There is itching in the groin area
  • There is a pain in the groin area

Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis) may cause the following symptoms:

  • A rash on the scalp that is red and scaly
  • Itchy scalp
  • Loss of hair
  • Expansion of lymph nodes

Nail infection (tinea unguium, onychomycosis) may cause the following symptoms:

  • Nail ends become thicker
  • And yellow

Body ringworm (tinea corporis) may cause the following symptoms:

  • Patches of red skin with raised, scaly edges
  • Itchy

Tinea infection symptoms can be similar to those of other health conditions. As you can see, psoriasis, pityriasis rosea, and atopic dermatitis all appear similar. Consult your physician for a diagnosis.

What is the diagnosis of a tinea infection?

You will need to describe your symptoms and medical history to your healthcare provider. You will undergo a physical examination. Your skin or nails will be examined closely. Other tests may include:

  • Scraping the skin. A small tool may be used to scrape the top of your skin. It does not hurt. The scraped tissue is examined under a microscope. A diagnosis can be made based on this test.
  • Surgery. The provider may take hair or nail clipping samples to examine under a microscope to identify the fungus if the infection is on the scalp or in the nails.
  • Culture of the skin. The type of fungus growing on the skin may be determined by sending a sample to a lab. The process is called culture.

What is the treatment for tinea infection?

Tinea may be difficult to cure. Ringworm on the scalp and nail infections are the most difficult to treat. Duration of treatment depends on the location of the tinea. Fungi can survive on the skin for a long time. Because of this, tinea infection is hard to treat and can recur easily. It may be necessary to repeat treatment.

Treatment options for athlete's foot (tinea pedis) include:

  • Cream with antifungal properties
  • Oral antifungal medicine

Jockey itch (tinea cruris) can be treated by:

  • Cream with antifungal properties
  • Oral antifungal medicine

Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis) may be treated with:

  • Oral antifungal medicine for weeks or months
  • along with a special shampoo to help kill the fungus. There is also oral medication. They cannot get rid of the fungus on their own.

Treatment for nail infection (tinea unguium) may include:

  • Take antifungal medicine by mouth for weeks or months. This is the most effective method.
  • Medicated nail polish. These can sometimes be helpful.

The following treatments may be used to treat body ringworm (tinea corporis):

    • creams that contain antifungal agents
    • oral antifungal medications

In the course of treatment:

  • Do not scratch or pick at the rash. Infection and scarring may result.
  • Take medication as directed. Apply creams as directed. The cream should be applied to the rash as well as the skin 1 to 2 inches around it.
  • Wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds before and after applying the medicine to the rash. This will prevent the fungus from spreading.
  • Take the medicine as directed until your healthcare provider tells you to stop.
  • Don't let tinea spread to others. It can be spread by skin-to-skin contact and sharing personal items, such as brushes, shoes, and towels.
  • After you wash the ringworm-affected area of your body, wash your hands before touching any other part of your body. To prevent spreading ringworm, dry the rest of your body with a different towel. Soapy water is the best way to wash towels.
  • Keep ringworm-affected areas dry and clean.
  • In public pools, gyms, locker rooms, and public showers wear shower shoes. Ringworm can survive for a long time on gym equipment.
  • Consult your healthcare provider about the risks, benefits, and possible side effects of all treatments.

How can tinea infection cause complications?

Kerion can also develop from tinea of the scalp. The sore over the tinea infection is large, painful, and swollen. It is caused by hypersensitivity to the tinea. You may experience swelling and pain in your lymph nodes. You may also experience a rash somewhere in your body. The inflammation and swelling caused by Kerion can be reduced with steroid medicine.

A tinea infection can sometimes lead to bacterial infection. Antibiotics may be used to treat it.

Is it possible to prevent tinea infection?

You can prevent some types of tinea infection by:

  • After getting dirty or sweaty, or after using a locker room, wash up.
  • Stay off your feet. Shower shoes should be worn in public showers, gyms, locker rooms, and pools.
  • Don't share towels, combs, brushes, clothes, or shoes.
  • Make sure your skin and feet are dry.
  • Put on clean, loose-fitting underwear.
  • Make sure your pet does not have ringworm. Animals can transmit ringworm to humans. You should take your pet to a veterinarian for treatment if you believe your pet has ringworm. The veterinarian can advise you on how to disinfect your home.

What is the best time to call my healthcare provider?

If you experience any of the following:

  • After 10 days of treatment, the rash does not improve
  • and spreads to other areas of the body
  • The redness around the rash gets worse
  • The rash leaks fluid
  • You have a fever of 100.4o (38oC) or higher, or as directed by your healthcare provider

Tinea infection: key points

  • Tinea is a skin infection caused by a fungus. It is also called ringworm. It is not caused by worms.
  • This fungus is very contagious and can be spread from person to person.
  • An infection with tinea can occur anywhere in the body. Most commonly, it occurs on the feet, groin, nails, body, and scalp.
  • How it is treated depends on where it occurs. An antifungal cream, shampoo, or oral medication may be used.
  • Keep your skin dry and avoid sharing personal hygiene products, clothing, or shoes.

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