ringworm on face | home remedies for ringworm 2021

shree kulkarni

 ringworm on face | home remedies for ringworm 2021

                   ringworm on face                     

Face ringworm in this article we are going to know about ringworms. what are ringworms? the best medicine for ringworm Also homes remedies for ringworm. It is a kind of infection that appears like a ring on your body. Face ringworm (faciei tinea ), also known as tinea facial or ringworm of the face, is a non-cancerous fungus that changes the skin on the face's surface (superficial) layer. Facial ringworm can be spread by direct contact with infected people, infected animals, contaminated objects (such as towels), or soil.

The ringworm can appear anywhere on the face in children and most women. When the infection occurs on the bearded portion of the face, it is known as beard ringworm (tinea barbae) among all men and women who have dark, coarse facial hair.

What are the risks?

People of all ages, of all races, and both sexes can develop facial ringworm. It is, however, more common in warmer climates. Adults aged 20 to 40 are the most likely to suffer from it.

People with overcome immune systems (e.g., diabetes, leukemia, or HIV/AIDS) are more likely to grow facial ringworm or to develop more severe forms of it.

ringworm on face

Symptoms and signs of Ringworm of the face:

Among the most common locations for facial ringworm are:

  • Cheekbones
  • And nose
  • Near the eyes
  • China
  • and forehead

Ringworm of the face appears as pink-to-red scaly patches ranging in size from 1 to 5 cm. 

The border of the affected skin may be raised and contain blisters, bumps, or scabs. A ring-shaped edge surrounds the center of the lesion, leading to the nickname "ringworm" even though it is not caused by a worm. Facial ringworm may be itchy and feel sunburned after exposure to the sun.

Guidelines for Self-Care

You can use one of the following over-the-counter antifungal creams or lotions if you suspect you have facial ringworm:

  • Its terbinafine
  • Clotrimazole
  • Product MICONAZOL

As soon as the lesions are completely gone, apply the cream to each lesion and to the normal-appearing skin 2 cm beyond the border of the influenced skin for at least a couple of weeks. After ringworm has been treated, avoid contact sports for at least 48 hours.

If you have tinea infections on more than one body part, be sure to check for other ringworm infections, such as tinea cruris in the groin, tinea pedis on the feet, and tinea corporis anywhere else on the body.

Make sure any household pets are not infected with a fungal infection (i.e., dermatophyte). If the veterinarian discovers an infection, make sure the animal is treated.

The Right Time to Seek Medical Care

Consult your doctor if the lesions do not improve after applying over-the-counter antifungal cream for 1–2 weeks.

Treatments Your Physician Might Prescribe

 (best medicine for ringworm)

Your physician might examine some surface skin materials under a microscope to determine whether you have facial ringworm. The doctor uses a KOH (potassium hydroxide) preparation to check for signs of fungal infection.

After the diagnosis of facial ringworm is confirmed, your physician will probably prescribe an antifungal medication. Most infections can be treated with prescription-strength topical creams and lotions, such as:

  1. Terbinafine
  2. Clotrimazole
  3. Miconazole
  4. Econazole
  5. Oxiconazole
  6. Ciclopirox
  7. Ketoconazole
  8. Sulconazole
  9. Naftifine

Rarely, more serious or long-lasting infections may need treatment with oral antifungal pills, including:

  1. Terbinafine
  2. Itraconazole
  3. Griseofulvin
  4. Fluconazole

After using an effective treatment, the ringworm should disappear within 4–6 weeks.

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