how to stop the acne | ways to stop pimples

shree kulkarni

how to stop the acne | ways to stop pimples

How to stop the acne: ways to stop pimples 

Acne sufferers know how difficult it can be to heal their skin. In addition to treating existing pimples, you can also prevent new ones from forming, breaking the often vicious breakout cycle.

Usually, pimples appear on the face, but they can appear anywhere on the body. Scientists have identified a bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes that can cause acne breakouts, even though the skin microbiome is complex. When it converts sebum (the oil found naturally on our skin) into fatty acids, this bacteria causes inflammation.

It's not entirely foolproof to get rid of acne forever, but you can reduce your breakouts and keep your skin as healthy as possible. You can prevent pimples and be on your way to clearer skin with these 14 methods.

Acne is caused by what?

Breakouts can be triggered by hormones, specifically androgen, which stimulates sebum production from trusted sources. Acne can also be caused by genetics, diet, overuse of skin products, and environmental factors (like pollution).

Among the other causes are:

  • The menstrual cycle, puberty, and pregnancy
  • Squeezing and picking at pimples
  • Excessively cleaning or rubbing your skin
  • While wearing hats, helmets, or backpack straps
  • When the humidity is high
  • While using oil-based cosmetics
  • Or medications

What are the differences between acne and pimples?

Even though acne and pimples are often used interchangeably, acne is a skin condition, while pimples are its symptoms. Acne is an ailment affecting the hair follicles and glands of the skin.

A variety of acne symptoms can indicate the cause of breakouts. Among them are:

  • Blackheads (clogged pores on the skin's surface)
  • Whiteheads (closed pores under the skin's surface that are plugged up)
  • Papules (small, tender red or pink bumps on the skin)
  • Pustules (papules filled with pus)
  • Nodules (large, painful lumps deep under the skin’s surface)
  • Cysts (painful, pus-filled lumps under the skin’s surface)

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How to stop the acne

Wash your face properly

It is important to remove excess oil, dirt, and sweat daily to prevent pimples. However, too much washing may exacerbate acne.

Excessive washing strips the skin of its sebum, which causes it to produce more oil to rebalance. Therefore, excessive washing of the face can make acne worse, as does harsh cleansers that dry the skin out too much.

Instead of harsh physical scrubs or drying foaming cleansers, Mikailove suggests using sulfate-free, fragrance-free, and gentle cleansers that can be used twice a day.

Wash your face as follows:

  • Make sure you use warm water to wet your face.
  • Use your fingers instead of a washcloth to apply a mild cleanser in a gentle, circular motion.
  • Rinse completely, then pat dry.

Get to know your skin type

Having an understanding of your skin type can help you decide which products to use and which to avoid. Using the following parameters, you can identify your skin type (you can also consult a dermatologist if you're still unsure):

  • Dry: Your skin often feels tight and flaky.
  • Oily: Your skin tends to look oily at the end of the day.
  • Combination: You have oily and dry areas (your oily area is usually the T-zone - your forehead, nose, and chin).
  • Sensitive: Your skin is easily irritated and prone to irritation.

Generally, oily skin types are more prone to acne, but anyone can get pimples regardless of their skin type. Knowing your skin type will help you choose the right acne regimen to help you clear up acne.

“For model, if your skin is delicate and acneic, using too several actives that target acne similar a salicylic acid wash, a salicylic acid exfoliating toner, and a retinol cream may be too much for your skin and start to cause more breakouts due to a cracked skin barrier,” Mikailove. “If your skin is on the oilier side, applying a moisturizer formulated for dry skin may be too occlusive and start to clog pores.”

Use a moisturizer

Moisturizing the skin keeps it hydrated. Even if you have acne, moisturizer is important because if your skin gets too dry, it will produce oil (sebum) to counterbalance - and too much sebum causes pimples.

However, many moisturizers contain oil, synthetic fragrances, or other ingredients that may irritate the skin and cause pimples. Before purchasing a moisturizer, make sure it's fragrance-free and noncomedogenic. When it comes to products for acne-prone or sensitive skin, fewer ingredients are best.

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Acne treatments over-the-counter

Over-the-counter (OTC) acne treatments can treat pimples or even prevent them from occurring in the first place. Overusing these OTC treatments can cause redness, irritation, and dryness, so you should follow the manufacturer's instructions. Here are the most common active ingredients you'll find in OTC acne treatments:

  • This is benzoyl peroxide. Since it kills acne-causing bacteria, benzoyl peroxide works best on inflammatory acne-like cysts and red bumps.
  • Use salicylic acid. For blackheads and whiteheads, this ingredient unclogs pores and reduces inflammation.
  • A sulfur ingredient. The natural ingredient sulfur is often gentler than the two above. Dead skin cells can be removed to unclog pores, and excess sebum can be absorbed.

It may be worth consulting a dermatologist if you're unsure which OTC acne treatment is best for your skin or your specific skin goals.

Getting advice from a dermatologist can help you make the right choice about which product to use and what interactions you should be aware of. Using beta hydroxy acids (like salicylic acid) along with retinol can cause redness and excessive dryness, so it's best to avoid combining these products.

Always stay hydrated

When you are dehydrated, your body may signal your skin's oil glands to produce more oil. In addition to giving your skin a dull appearance, dehydration also causes inflammation and redness.

Keep your body hydrated by drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. Drink more water after exercise, if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you're in a hot, humid environment.

Makeup limit

It's tempting to cover up pimples with makeup. However, doing so can clog pores and cause outbreaks.

Getting rid of makeup from your daily routine can be challenging. If you decide to apply products, make sure the foundation or concealer you choose is non-comedogenic and fragrance-free so your skin does not become even more irritated. (A tinted moisturizer with salicylic acid, like this one from Neutrogena, can give you both coverage and acne-fighting power in one.) When you're done wearing makeup, make sure to gently wash it off, especially before you go to sleep.

Aside from limiting makeup, you should also avoid using any other products near your face, particularly hair styling products. Dry shampoo, hair spray, and texturizing products can cause breakouts if they come in contact with your skin. These products should also be non-comedogenic and oil-free.

Do not touch your face

Even if you don't intend to touch your face, touching your face can transfer bacteria - and those pore-clogging impurities - onto your skin. Be aware of how often you touch your face and try to catch yourself in the act.

Regularly wash your hands so that if you touch your face, your hands are clean.

Exposed to the sun

The short-term effect of catching some rays may dry out pimples, but it causes major problems in the long run. The sun dehydrates the skin, which causes it to produce more oil and block pores over time.

You should wear sunscreen all year round to help protect your skin. Most sunscreens are oily, though. Use a non-comedogenic, oil-free sunscreen to protect against the sun and pimples.

Be careful not to pop pimples

Do not squeeze that enormous whitehead on the tip of your nose, no matter how tempting it may seem. Bleeding, severe scarring or infection may result from popping pimples. Your pimple problem will also worsen if it increases inflammation and clogs surrounding pores.

Tea tree oil may be helpful

A popular natural remedy for pimples is tea tree essential oil. Tea tree oil contains terpinene-4-ol, which has been shown to kill certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi, as well as promote healing by increasing white blood cells.

If you have pimples, apply a few drops of tea tree oil to the inflamed area. If you use a cleanser or moisturizer, you can add a few drops of this essential oil.

If you plan to use undiluted tea tree oil on your face, do a patch test first to see if it irritates your skin. Wait several hours after applying a few drops behind your ear or on your forearm. Before using the oil, dilute it with water using a 1-to-1 ratio.

Use French green clay

French green clay is an absorbent, mineral-rich clay that has healing properties. Research conducted by Trusted Source in 2010 found French green clay to have potent antibacterial properties. Impurities are drawn out, inflammation is reduced, and excess oil that can cause pimples is absorbed.

French green clay comes as a powder that you mix with water to make a face mask. Other skin-soothing ingredients like yogurt or honey can also be added to French green clay for a more dynamic natural mask.

Certain foods should be avoided

Acne can also be caused by your diet. The most common causes of skin problems are processed foods, dairy products, alcohol, and refined sugars. Reducing your intake of these foods may help you avoid breakouts.

When reduction doesn't seem to help your acne flare-ups, you can try an elimination diet to better identify the cause. An elimination diet usually involves cutting out gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, fast food, and alcohol for 23 days. It may seem extreme, but after 23 days, you can start adding these foods back into your diet, one at a time, and observe any changes to your skin. In this way, you can determine if any of these foods are acne triggers for you.

To make sure that you're still consuming the right amount of calories and nutrients each day, you should speak with your doctor before beginning any new diet.

Stress-busting activities can help

Stress does not cause pimples, but it can make them worse. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, stress increases the production of oil-stimulating hormones in the body.

Here are a few options for managing stress:

  • A yoga practice
  • The meditation
  • And journaling
  • Or massage
  • Or aromatherapy
  • Or exercise

Acne treatment

A lot of the ways you prevent pimples can also help you manage them. It is possible to contain pimples and reduce their duration by eating a healthy diet, reducing stress, and not popping them.

You may need prescription-strength treatment if you have bad acne despite taking preventive measures, such as:

  • Preventing clogged pores with topical retinoids (derived from vitamin A)
  • The use of oral contraceptives or antiandrogens to reduce sebum production
  • Oral isotretinoin (Accutane), a retinoid that prevents clogged pores and reduces sebum production, inflammation, and bacteria on the skin

Treatments with prescription-strength may cause serious side effects. Your dermatologist can help you weigh the pros and cons and determine which treatment is right for you.

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Now and then, everyone gets pimples. Many factors can cause pimples, such as hormones, stress, genetics, and diet. Medication may also trigger breakouts.

Pimples are annoying when they're at their best. They can cause permanent scarring, severe anxiety, or depression at their worst. Prevention efforts may help, but they aren't guaranteed.

No matter what pimple prevention plan you choose, patience and consistency are key. A dab of benzoyl peroxide can shrink a single pimple overnight, but most treatments take several weeks to work.

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